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財報—奧茲大帝發威 迪士尼Q1獲利大增32% 超乎預期

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相關詞:男子 2013 鋼,男子鋼 IMDB,超人:鋼鐵男人,男子鋼影評,更多

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我想要問你一下歌名 問:http://www.im.tv/vlog/personal/619601/2585629 (↑歌在這邊) 有一個歌名 就是後面有一個男生在尖叫 還有一個女生在唱歌 我想知道她的歌名 請大大幫我找出那首歌名! 答:尖叫後沒女生的聲音阿 尖叫後的歌曲是Michael Jackson的「2Bad」 歌詞↓ Told me that you're doin' wrong Word out shockin' all alone Cryin' wolf ain't like a man Throwin' rocks to hide your hands You ain't done enough for me You ain't done enough for me You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah You're aiming just for me You are disgustin' me Just want your cut from me But too bad, too bad Look who just walked in the place Dead and stuffy in the face Look who's standing if you please Though you tried to bring me to my knees Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Hell all up in Hollywood Sayin' that you got it good Creepin' from a dusty hole Tales of what somebody told What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Tired of you haunting me, yeah yeah You're aiming just for me You are disgustin' me You got blood lust for me But too bad, too bad Look who got slapped in the face It's dead and stuffy in the place I'm right back where I wanna be I'm standin' though you're kickin' me Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it [Rap: Shaquille O'Neal] Life's about a dream I'm really undefeated when MJ is on my team, theme Reality brings forth realizm It's the man of steel organizm, twizm Not from the prizm, take charge like manilla Nine five shaq represent with the Thrilla Grab my crotch, twist my knee, then I'm through Mike's bad, I'm bad Who are you 2008-08-28 18:40:11 補充 [Michael] Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it 2008-08-28 18:40:23 補充 Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it Too bad too bad about it 相關詞: too bad意思, not too bad, that's too bad, too bad歌詞, nickelback too bad, it's too bad, too bad so sad, too bad 英文, too bad too bad, too bad是什麼意思 too bad, scream and shout, just scream and shout, Michael Jackson, itWhy, 2Bad, uarr, What do you want from me, vlog, meYou 本文章引用自:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1008082809897 (如有冒犯請至留言版留言,將盡快刪除,謝謝^^) 超人好威 榮登北美票房冠軍 根據今天發布的估計數字,儘管超人電影「超人:鋼鐵英雄」(Man of Steel)評價褒貶不一,週末首映仍海吸1億1300萬美元,榮登北美票房冠軍。 「超人:鋼鐵英雄」由導演柴克史奈德(ZackSnyder)操刀,英國男星亨利卡維爾(Henry Cavill)詮釋超人,曾獲奧斯卡獎提名的女星艾美亞當斯(AmyAdams)則飾演電影中「星球日報」(Daily Planet)記者露易絲蓮恩(Lois Lane)。 根據北美院線聯盟(Exhibitor Relations),詹姆斯法蘭科(James Franco)和喬納希爾(Jonah Hill)主演的新喜劇「大明星世界末日」(This Is TheEnd),首週上映海撈2050萬美元,拿下第2名。 「出神入化」(Now You See Me)吸金1030萬美元,維持在第3名;動作續集片「玩命關頭6」(Fast &Furious 6)票房940萬美元,滑落至第4名。 上週票房冠軍、恐怖驚悚片「人類清除計畫」(The Purge)本週進帳820萬美元,落居第5。 文斯范恩(Vince Vaughn)與歐文威爾森(OwenWilson)聯手演出的喜劇「實習大叔」(TheInternship),進帳700萬美元,拿下第6。 第7名則是動畫片「森林戰士」(Epic),端出600萬美元表現;「闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰」(Star Trek:Into Darkness)則以570萬美元票房,排名第8。 威爾史密斯(Will Smith)最新作品「地球過後」(After Earth)進帳370萬美元,來到第9。 小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)的「鋼鐵人3」(Iron Man 3)以290萬美元站上第10。「鋼鐵人3」5月上映以來,總票房已達3億9960萬美元。(譯者:中央社張詠晴) http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E8%B6%85%E4%BA%BA%E5%A5%BD%E5%A8%81-%E6%A6%AE%E7%99%BB%E5%8C%97%E7%BE%8E%E7%A5%A8%E6%88%BF%E5%86%A0%E8%BB%8D-032002395.html

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《超人:鋼鐵英雄》狂賣33億 蝙蝠俠將找接班人

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相關詞:出神入化電影大陸翻譯,出神入化電影時刻表,出神入化電影線上看,出神入化 電影 四騎士篇,更多

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《出神入化》全新創意無「尿點」 結局超意外!

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相關詞:天機 富春山居圖,富春山居圖電影,黃公望 富春山居圖,富春山居圖線上看,更多

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採購情報-搭電影便車 富春山居圖床具發燒

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超人:鋼鐵英雄 | Facebook

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